A Twitter Challenge: Spread Bailout Awareness & Help 'The Daily Bail' Get 5,000 Followers
May 26, 2009 at 3:12 PM
DailyBail in 000 followers on Twitter, 5, The daily bail, bailout awareness, bank bailouts, dailybail.com, spread the word, twitter challenge

The Daily Bail has had a Twitter account for months strictly to publish our stories.  I'm not even very disciplined at updating that simple feature.  Not sure why I can't get excited about Twitter, unless it's the sickening narcissism of the constant personal updates from some.  I guess it could be that.  I'm probably not winning points with dedicated users with the criticism, but I've always been stupid like that.  Insult you and then ask for your help.

So help the cause of bailout awareness and education by helping us get to 5,000 followers.  We have maybe 25 now so the journey might suck.  Or maybe 1 of you Twitter geniuses can figure out how to make it smooth and easy for us to reach a larger audience.  We like our website traffic numbers very much already (I'll post them soon) but we know that there are hundreds of thousands of young people who need to be made aware that our generation's bailout heist is literally stealing their future.  We're just trying to do our part while avoiding insanity, and now we need you to do your part. 

So do your Twitter thing and help us spread the word.  Lots of 'please-s' and many, many 'thank you-s' from us here at headquarters.


Our Twitter Account


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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