"As An American, I Am Deeply Embarrassed By This IDIOT Who's Totally In The Service of the Bankers"
Jan 13, 2011 at 1:53 AM
Dr. Pitchfork in Wall Street Bailout, banks, obama, obama, wall street, wall street, wall street reform, william daley

Max Keiser on Obama.  Classic.  Aired today.

This was in reference to the appointment of JP Morgan Vice-Chairman, William Daley, as Obama's Chief of Staff.  But the specific occasion or reference for Max's comment doesn't really matter.  And it's a moot point, anyway.  Obama clearly has no shame.  His bowing to foreign heads of state, which conservatives have made much hay over, may be regrettable, but what he's done for the bankers is just obscene.  I'm not at all surprised by the appointment of a JP Morgan executive to replace Rahm Emanuel.

Dr. Pitchfork


Don't miss "Perps in the White House" by Robert Scheer...


Nothing shocking here, but just a reminder that BHO doesn't love you any more than George Bush does.


Full video from RT...

Max Keiser from earlier this week...




Photo - The Wall Street love couple...





New Slideshow - Time Magazine Looks Inside the Private Offices of Fed Chairman Bernanke - Including Photos of Bernanke Growing Up in South Carolina - These are a Must See


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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