Because It's Important To Know What Your Enemies Are Thinking
Oct 26, 2009 at 12:06 PM
DailyBail in Federal Bankruptcy, christina romer, deficit, economy, federal debt, federal debt, federal deficit, healthcare reform, stimulus, stimulus, video, video

There is a particular cacophonous distaste when Christina Romer's voice waddles through my speakers.  The Chair of the White House CEA "cringes at the thought" of ending the stimulus early, and swears that the White House is "not cool with trillion-dollar deficits," though she offers no alternative, besides the vague illusion of savings from healthcare reform.

Why?  Because they have NO deficit-reduction plan.  None.  Geithner, Summers, Romer & Obama are praying, salivating for massive debt-induced growth.  They have no other hope. 

Meanwhile, tic-tock, just don't look at the debt clock.


Tech Ticker: White House CEA Chair Dr. Christina Romer with Henry Blodget & Aaron Task

My commentary: By normal she means the debt-induced levels of 2002-2007.  How does she keep a straight face in referring to the artificial as 'normal?'  We will not see similar levels of output for many, many years, even if Bernanke's great debt re-blow are successful.

Tech Ticker Video: Romer on Deficits and Healthcare Reform


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