Bernanke: "We Have No Idea How Much Money We're Giving The Banks"
Mar 25, 2013 at 5:23 PM
DailyBail in Bank Bailouts, banks, banks, bernanke, bernanke, elizabeth warren, elizabeth warren, federal reserve, press conference, too big to fail, too big to fail banks, video

Bernanke on the benefits of being too big to fail.

"It's hard to calculate exactly how big of a subsidy we're giving the banks.  And I certainly never meant to imply to Senator Warren that the issue is solved and gone.  It is not solved and gone.  I agree with her 100 percent.  Too big to fail is still a major problem."

Highlight clip from Wednesday's press conference.



Here's the Bloomberg story that Bernanke mentions:

Taxpayers Are GIVING Big Banks $83 Billion A Year!



More video from Bernanke's press conference:

BERNANKE: "Bank Account Seizure Unlikely In U.S."



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