Beware The Third Way: A Confluence Of Capitalism & Socialism
Sep 3, 2009 at 6:07 AM
DailyBail in bailout opinion, bailouts, capitalism, corruption, government, obama, politics, socialism, the third way

Guest post by Brett Buchanan from

What is certain about these tumultuous times is that in the end we will emerge a different nation. Transformed by a radical departure from our archetypical past today’s leaders shape the new world by way of proxy, substituting politically expedient rhetoric for the cold hard truths they fear a childish public would not understand. Design our lives without our consent, without our consult or choice, they will make our decisions for us because in their eyes we are incapable of making them ourselves.

In the wake of this great economic crisis we will be left alarmingly in debt to the rest of the world, debts which future generations will be forced to repay without ever having agreed to such burden. We will be a society of haves and have nots where the gap between the rich and the rest of us is painfully apparent to even the blindest person. We will be a nation eroded and unrecognizable to its core principles. We will suffer the subtle loss of freedoms as our government slowly chips away at our right to choose. This idea, that we are free to choose, is in fact the most important freedom we as a people were ostensibly gifted by the architects of our constitution. And it is on this freedom that our future hinges.

Choice is rooted in differences. That there exists today in the political spectrum a left and a right is a mere distraction designed to polarize the public into competing camps, in theory, creating choice. However, come election time the left and right are now overshadowed by a new centrist platform known inconspicuously as the Third Way. Hardly a household term the Third Way has in fact influenced the vast majority of political and economic changes in modern history. The Third Way is the centrist way – a compromise between capitalism and socialism, or market liberalism and democratic socialism. Proponents of Third Way claim the platform represents a synthesis of competing viewpoints, distinct and superior to both its sources, rather than simply a compromise or mixture thereof. A radical center if you will, the Third Way is a complete departure from all natural laws that govern the universe. At its core is a belief that it is better than the sum of its parts. It was a tool used by Bill Clinton to capture his second term. It was arguably utilized by George W. Bush to centralize power within the Oval Office. And it is now being levered by Barack Obama to transform a nation from what it was, into what it will be.

“something different and distinct from liberal capitalism with its unswerving belief in the merits of the free market and democratic socialism with its demand management and obsession with the state. The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepreneurship, enterprise and wealth creation but it is also in favour of greater social justice and it sees the state playing a major role in bringing this about. So in the words of… Anthony Giddens of the LSE the Third Way rejects top down socialism as it rejects traditional neo liberalism.”
– Report from the BBC, 1999[9]

The Third Way seeks to eliminate the barriers, or broker the differences, that distinguish capitalism from socialism – a noble concept no doubt but one fraught with the perils of indecision and compromise regardless of claims to the contrary. With all his good intentions the man who plays the middle only portends to interfere with the natural outcome of events. Similarly, when government steps in to broker an outcome only temporary distortions replace what should have occurred naturally and expeditiously. The chaotic chain of events is broken. And ironically, this universe thrives on chaos – everything in an unbalanced state acting against the other to bring about balance. To interfere with this chaotic imbalance is to interfere with the natural balance of things. This is what the centrist fails to understand – imbalance ultimately brings about balance. The centrist would rather halt this process and impose its own solution – brokering what they see as the desired outcome. That the chips might fall where they may is incomprehensible to them. Centrists believe they can catch these chips as they fall and arrange them in an orderly fashion irrespective of all the natural laws that have proven the contrary – being that unnatural interference only creates more imbalance. Just as capitalism is the antithesis to socialism, positive to negative, black to white, the gray in the middle only serves to cloud what should be glaringly evident – that there is order in one side versus the other and that one side should win and one lose should not be feared.

This centrist policy permeates the political processes of our modern day government and the monetary policies of our Federal Reserve. It transcends party lines. In the case of the Fed they have argued (and won) to deregulate markets in the quest for true liberal capitalism while simultaneously strong-arming our congress into socializing the ill-effects of such deregulation. A brokered outcome if you will, irrational in its foundation, and doomed to repeat itself over and over. How can free markets be expected to act rationally when irrational forces distort natural outcomes? We know from monetary history that too much newly created money not counterbalanced by productive output causes price distortions (bubbles) as a bloated money supply settles within the confines of its economy. The same is true with overzealous government regulation and oversight of our lives, the restriction of our right to choose, and the interference in free markets – the outcomes are unnatural. History has proven at every turn that more government intervention only leads to more social discontent. Government cannot determine who wins and loses, only the winners and losers can.

George W. Bush took the first major step down the slippery-slope of government intervention in failed private markets. Barack Obama would have undoubtedly done the same – and did, continuing down the same slope. Both men’s actions are definitive proof that when it comes to the artificial support of free-markets, more succinctly a perversion thereof, it is a Third Way centrist approach that has overtaken Washington – a belief that government can step-in and save one side from itself thereby altering the natural balance of things. An ancillary benefit of causing and then controlling such imbalance is the further justification for increased centrist oversight over what should be the unfettered natural order of things. It is a never ending cycle. The more government interferes, the more justification they have for more interference.

Enter the confluence of money and government, more specifically the co-opting of our US Treasury and Federal Reserve by one Goldman Sachs and the Third Way centrist approach takes on a whole new meaning – global monopolistic totalitarianism. A mouthful for sure, this tongue-twisting three word phrase crystalizes the present power struggle being waged between those of the Third Way centrist persuasion and free market liberals. It’s ironic no doubt that a company like Goldman Sachs, one that would remove all restraints on free markets supposedly to let the proverbial chips fall where they may, has in fact abandoned that core principle and loaded its deck by exploiting the centrist approach of state control over private problems.

What Goldman Sachs understands is that when you control the supply of money, you control everything. Maybe not a literal definition of the word totalitarianism but apt nonetheless. So long as there exists even the remotest common-law marriage between the banks and government, free markets cannot and will not function. Such is the state of our present distorted reality. The centralized control of money creation, the fusion of money and government, the increasing imposition by government on our daily lives, the process by which your right to choose is slowly eroded away until there is no choice left leads to one end. Call it what you want, fascism, plutocracy, or global monopolistic totalitarianism. It’s all the same. It is a distorted reality – one designed by unnatural law in what should be a natural world.


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