BOMBSHELL REPORT - European Central Bank Risks Being 'Bankrupted' By Bailouts: "If Assets Fall By Just 4.23%, Its Entire Capital Base Would Be Wiped Out"
Jun 9, 2011 at 2:47 PM
DailyBail in Euro Crisis, Europe, ecb, euro, euro currency, europe, jean-claude trichet, leverage

This story sounds familiar...

Leverage is a cruel beast when your assets are collateralized junk from Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal.


Source - UK Telegraph

The European Central Bank is "looking increasingly vulnerable" and may face "hefty losses" as a result of propping up indebted eurozone countries, a leading think-tank has warned.

The International Monetary Fund's partner in the recent international bail-out missions is itself in danger of becoming a liability, Open Europe has argued.

In a report published on Monday entitled A House Built on Sand?, Open Europe has calculated that the ECB has a total exposure of about €444bn (£397bn) to "struggling eurozone economies."

The bank is now "23 to 24 times levered" as a result of bailing out Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.

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