BROKAW: 'Obama Was Horrible'
Oct 4, 2012 at 5:16 PM
DailyBail in 2012 Election, 2012 election, debate, mitt romney, obama, obama, politics, romney, tom brokaw, video

Tom Brokaw with Chuck Todd early this morning.

"I think that this morning we have a kick-start to this presidential campaign.  If it had been Romney performing like the president did last night, it would already be over."

"You know this is the most important debate of the campaign.  Everybody has been saying that, including his advisers.  Get it together, you're the President of the United States.  You have all these resources that you can draw on, he's been over in Nevada prepared for it and then he showed up or didn't show up, depending on your point of view, and was utterly inadequate.  It seemed to me that if he had shown up for a morning briefing at the White House in July of this year on a Thursday, on a routine day, he’d have been more engaged than he was last night."


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