BUSTED: DEM's Husband Cut Illegal Deals In Senate Dining Room
Oct 26, 2012 at 4:54 AM
DailyBail in Sen. Claire McCaskill, audio, congress, corruption, corruption, joe shepard, joseph shepard, senate, senate, video

How to make millions selling Federal Tax Credits.

Turn the volume up.

Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband used the U.S. Senate Dining Room to cut business deals selling tax credits tied to stimulus money, a whistle-blowing executive inside his company alleged on an audio recording exclusively obtained by The Daily Caller.

“The thing that irritated me about this was he [McCaskill’s husband Joseph Shepard] entertained these outside investors in the Senate Dining Room,” the whistle-blower said. “That’s where he closed the deal.”

The whistle-blower, Craig Woods, was a longtime high-ranking official within Shepard’s business empire, serving first as chief financial officer and then as vice president and chief underwriter for Missouri Equity Investors LLC and JA Shepard Companies.

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It gets better:

Sen. McCaskill is asked about the story by a local reporter.

Corruption is nothing new for Sen. McCaskill...



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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