BUSTED! Elizabeth Warren's Housing Hypocrisy Exposed
Jun 1, 2016 at 8:22 PM
DailyBail in 2016 Election, Donald Trump, donald trump, elizabeth warren, foreclosure, housing, housing, housing bubble, housing bubble, housing crash, hypocrisy, morning joe, msnbc, video


Morning Joe reminds viewers of Senator Elizabeth Warren's housing hypocrisy after she blasts Trump during a Hillary Clinton rally, calling him a 'small, insecure moneygrubber' for daring to hope that the housing bubble would burst.

If a real estate businessman is worthy of criticism for wanting to buy when prices are low, what does it say about self-proclaimed champion-of-the-poor Elizabeth Warren that she took advantage of a confused grandmother in order to make a quick $115K...?



Elizabeth Warren Bought Foreclosed Homes To Make A Quick Profit...

National Review

 While Sen. Warren condemns the practice of flipping homes, she has made a considerable amount of her wealth by flipping homes herself, including two that had fallen into foreclosure.

The home’s new owner: Elizabeth Warren, today a Massachusetts senator who has built a political career on denouncing the sort of banking titans and financial sophisticates who make a buck off the little guy. Five months after purchasing Veo Vessels’ old home, Warren flipped the property, selling it for $115,000 more than she’d paid, according to Oklahoma County Property Assessor records.

Continue reading at National Review...


More detail here:

Trump Blasts Criticism That He Rooted For A Housing Crash



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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