Chris Whalen On Bernanke: Person Of The Year, My Foot! He Has Made A "Pig's Breakfast" Of The Economy
Jan 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM
DailyBail in bailout, banks, banks, bernanke, bernanke, chris whalen, chris whalen, federal reserve, federal reserve, video, video, wall street

Video with transcript:  Chris Whalen with Aaron Task at Tech Ticker -- Bernanke gets throttled

Ben Bernanke has been named Time's "Person of the Year," for his aggressive actions to stem the global financial crisis.

Bernanke was clearly at center of the government's response to the financial crisis and remains "the most important player guiding the world's most important economy," as Grunwald writes. By his own admission, the chairman didn't see the credit crisis of 2008 coming and was too slow to react. Still, all but his most strident critics agree Bernanke helped prevent an even worse outcome, possibly a second Great Depression.

But does Bernanke deserve to be "Person of the Year"?

Unlike those who praise Bernanke for bringing the economy back from the brink of the abyss, Whalen says all he's done is "saved the dealer community" from themselves by overseeing a massive taxpayer-funded bailout of the financial community.

A former staffer at the New York Fed, Whalen also says Bernanke "failed miserably" in maintaining the Fed's independence from both the banks and from politics.

Rather than merely lending money to the Treasury, Bernanke put the Fed directly in the middle of the 2008 bailouts - most notably of AIG, Whalen recalls.

It is for these reasons, Whalen says, that Bernanke's reconfirmation by Congress is not assured, and politicians on both sides of the aisle are looking to reign in the Fed's power. It's ironic Bernanke is being lauded in the mainstream press at a time when he -- and the institution he leads -- are under so much pressure in Washington.


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