DEBT CHART - 2013 Is When We're Really Screwed (Links)
Jan 26, 2012 at 11:14 AM
DailyBail in links, links

Yves Smith - Paul Krugman Makes Housing Call He Will Likely Come to Regret

Barry Ritholtz - The Belated Mortgage Fraud/Crisis Investigation

Financial Crimes Bedevil Prosecutors - WSJ

The Big Question: Are Funds At US Financial Firms Safe? - Jesse's Cafe Americain

Putin Welcomes Kissinger: ‘Old Friends’ to Talk Shop - NYT

Soros Says Austerity 'Will Push Europe Into A Deflationary Debt Spiral'

DEBT CHART - 2013 Is When We're Really Screwed

A multibillionaire’s relentless quest for global influence - The New Yorker

Merkel - "Germany's Not Made of Money"

Oregon taxpayers forced to bailout state fund that made bad loans on renewable-energy




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