DEBT WATCH: CBO Says Obama's Budget WIll Add $9.7 Trillion To The National Debt (VIDEO)
Mar 8, 2010 at 2:35 PM
DailyBail in deficit, federal debt, federal deficit, national debt, obama, obama, video

President Obama's proposed budget would add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, congressional budget analysts said Friday. Proposed tax cuts for the middle class account for nearly a third of that shortfall. 

The 10-year outlook released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is somewhat gloomier than White House projections, which found that Obama's budget request would produce deficits that would add about $8.5 trillion to the national debt by 2020.

The CBO and the White House are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year -- a post-World War II record at 10.3 percent of the overall economy -- and $1.3 trillion in 2011. But the CBO is considerably less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits would never fall below 4 percent of the economy under Obama's policies and would begin to grow rapidly after 2015.

Deficits of that magnitude would force the Treasury to continue borrowing at prodigious rates, sending the national debt soaring to 90 percent of the economy by 2020, the CBO said. Interest payments on the debt would also skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period.


Continue reading at the Washington Post  >>


More detail:

Congressional estimates show grim deficit picture  >>



Video:  Obama tells C-Span there's no money's all borrowed.



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