Erin Burnett, (Former) Banking Apologista, Grows A Sack 
Sep 17, 2009 at 1:19 AM
DailyBail in AIG, Erin Burnett, banking sector, banks, capital ratios, chris whalen, credit, deleveraging, economic video, goldman sachs, goldman sachs

Chris Whalen and Paul Miller discuss the health of the banking sector, deleveraging, credit destruction and new capital requirements with Burnett.  Near the end, the focus shifts to Goldman Sachs, where Whalen says their future is bright without Lehman and Bear Stearns as competitors, but cautions about the massive political risk:

The interplay ends and as they head to break, Erin Burnett mumbles the following to co-anchor Kristi Yamaguchi:


A rare, CNBC-induced Bailout Hallelujah...!




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