Fine Gael Is A Joke: Max Keiser Talks Revolution And Burning Bank Bondholders Straight To The Irish People
Apr 21, 2011 at 2:58 PM
Dr. Pitchfork in Europe, IMF, Ireland, bailout, bank bondholders, bondholders, imf, ireland, max keiser, max keiser, revolution, revolution

Video - Max Keiser on Tonight With Vincent Browne (Pt. 1 of 5) - April 14, 2011

Max Keiser brought his anti-bankster revolution to Irish television last week.  Two amazing things about this: a) Max got to bring his message, live, to a national, mainstream audience, and b) Max and the other panelists spent the entire hour talking about how to burn bank bondholders.  Better yet, by the end of the show, just about everyone, including the host, agreed -- Fine Gael is a joke and Ireland has no choice but to let the banks and their bondholders take their medicine.  Great stuff.


Parts 2 through 5 below.



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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