Friday Afternoon Reading (May 21, 2010)
May 21, 2010 at 12:47 PM
DailyBail in links, links, lloyd blankfein, wall street reform, wall street reform

Excellent links this afternoon.  Big comedy mash post coming up, so check back.


First I would like to remind our 15,000 email and RSS readers who rarely, if ever, visit the site (aren't you glad we provide full-feed rss), that we have a second page called HEADLINES where we post some of our contributor's editorials and also videos.   In addition, I have a habit of filling the comments sections of all of our stories with tons of links, some related and some not.  I read (skim) approximately 200 articles per day and most of them end up in the various comment sections.  So if you're into that sort of thing, you might want to start checking out comments.


SPEECH -- Top Fed Official Offers Dire Forecast, Says Economy Will Suffer For Years

BLANKFEIN SPEAKS -- Goldman Sachs chief regrets TOO MUCH LEVERAGE

POLL: Should federal workers be asked to take pay cut, too?

Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead

ROUBINI SPEAKS -- Financial Reforms 'Cosmetic,' Won't Stop More Crises

Financial Reform: Wall Street Predicts 'Significant Fallout' From Bill

Another Monthly Drop In Lending By Biggest Bailed-Out Banks

Unemployment Rate Sets New Record for Las Vegas -- Almost 15%

SUB PRIME IS BACK -- For Auto Loans

Watchdog Group Freaks Out Over Deficit Comission

PAUL KRUGMAN: Japanese Style Lost Decade Looms For U.S.

Sarah Palin's New Low: Funeral Crasher

CHARLIE ROSE Interviews Maria Bartiromo

POOR PONZI SCHEMER -- Jail Has Reduced Allen Stanford To A Depressed, Half-Blind, 'Wreck Of A Man,' Says Lawyer

Mexican President Admits to having the same immigration policy as Arizona (WATCH -- starting at 4 minute mark -- tip to Zara for this clip)




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