Hypocrisy Watch: Republicans Scorn ACORN But Protect Halliburton
Oct 19, 2009 at 3:46 PM
DailyBail in acorn, comedy, comedy video, halliburton, hypocrisy, jon stewart, jon stewart, republicans, the daily show, video

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Video: Rape Nuts -- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart broadcast October 15.

Since we skewered ACORN last month (deservedly so), we are happy to expose Halliburton and the Republican Senators who continue to support and protect its corruptive monopoly.  And as much as the ACORN scandal fundamentally upsets me, in terms of abuse of taxpayer monies, ACORN is mere lint from the cavernous belly of the all-encompassing beast that is Halliburton.  Truth is truth.

For more detailed background on the Halliburton rape story, please click HERE.


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