Highlight - Runs 30 seconds. Clips are from Friday night on Hardball.
Meet the Obama Donors at the BLS...
Full interview:
Pay close attention to the bold text - and tasty irony - immediately below.
White House official reaction:
"That's a ludicrous comment. No serious person believes that the Bureau of Labor Statistics manipulates its statistics," said Alan Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. "The jobs report and all of their other statistics are prepared by career employees. They use the same process every month. They use the same process for Republican and Democratic administrations."
Welch responds in the WSJ today:
I'm not the first person to question government numbers, and hopefully I won't be the last. Take, for example, one of my chief critics in this go-round, Austan Goolsbee, former chairman of the Obama administration's Council of Economic Advisers. Back in 2003, Mr. Goolsbee himself, commenting on a Bush-era unemployment figure, wrote in a New York Times op-ed: "the government has cooked the books."
So it's ok for Democrats to question official data, but off-limits for everyone else.