"Luca Brasi Sleeps With The Fishes" - Deutsche Bank Goes Gangster On Foreclosure Litigant
May 14, 2011 at 6:02 PM
Dr. Pitchfork in Deutsche Bank, deutsche bank, foreclosure, foreclosure, fraudclosure, fraudclosure, lynn szymoniak

Lynn Szymoniak is the lawyer and foreclosure fraud expert who defeated Deutsche Bank in court when they tried to foreclose on her.  Apparently they had jacked up the rate on her adjustable-rate mortgage, but did so outside the allotted time period allowed by the terms of the mortgage.  Szymoniak complained and they demanded the higher rate anyway, contract be damned.  She refused, so they sued her.  When Deutsche Bank couldn't prove they even owned the mortgage (natch), the judge tossed the case and Szymoniak won.

Well, now Deutsche Bank is suing her again -- and this time they're also suing her son, a poetry grad student in New York who has absolutely no connection to the mortgage on his mom's house.  Now, either the bank's lawyers are simply incompetent, which is possible, or they've just decided to go ganster and  intimidate anyone, and their family, who dares to f^ck with them.  I now see that it's perfectly appropriate that Senator Jim Bunning used to pronounce it "Douche Bank."

Zach Carter has the full story at Huffington Post...

Video - Lynn Szymoniak on 60 Minutes - April 3, 2011


Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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