Meredith Whitney: At Least 300 More Banks To Fail
Sep 22, 2009 at 4:25 PM
DailyBail in GMA, abc, diane sawyer, economic video, economy, housing, meredith whitney, recession, video

I stumbled across this clip from Friday's Good Morning America with Diane Sawyer and Meredith Whitney.  It's a good opportunity to talk about Sawyer's intelligence.  She has none.  (Editor's Note: I got stories but I'm not talking.)  Whitney reiterates her thesis that home prices have 25% further to fall and that consumer credit contraction will keep the recovery weak.  Sawyer seems almost shocked by the pessimism, as though her assistant never explained to Meredith that you're not supposed to tell the truth on morning TV.  She recovers in time to ask MW for one piece of 'advise' for everyone out there. 

Meredith Whitney doesn't give advice (Damnit Sawyer, 'advice') to coffee drinking, marmalade slapping, stay-at-home cellulite packers for crying out loud.  She was just with Warren Buffett last week (and he was so sweet!) and tomorrow she's gonna tell Blankfein to give us back our AIG-pass through $12.9 billion.  The fluff tour is over and GMA will never see the likes of Whitney again.



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