All hail the American sense of humor.
For every question from a new mom asking about nutrition tips for her little Timmy, there appeared two criticisms of Obamacare, three complaints about White House tours being closed, and four questions about Benghazi. It was a free-for-all.
Below are some of the best tweets from the Q&A Twitter session with the First Lady.
It all started so innocently.
Right now, the First Lady is answering your questions about @letsmove! on Twitter. Join with #AskFLOTUS:…
— FLOTUS (@FLOTUS) March 11, 2013
Then, things got out of hand.
Hi#AskFLOTUS Which of your 3 kids is the hardest to control? Sasha, Malia or Joe?
— S.M (@redsteeze) March 11, 2013
Isn't there a better way to fight obesity than making people too poor to afford food? #AskFLOTUS
— Anthony Bialy (@AnthonyBialy) March 11, 2013
#AskFLOTUSDo you feel guilty that your family vacations have cost over 1BILLION $ and your turning kids away from White House on theirs?
— Just me (@reluctantzealot) March 11, 2013
Further proof that we are a nation of smart-asses.
#AskFLOTUS if our public schools are so good then why don't your kids go to them?
— Rocky Balboa (@MooreAmerican5) March 11, 2013
Brilliant touch here.
Have u considered cancelling @letsmove as a means of further exaggerating the impact of sequester? #AskFLOTUS
— Nathaniel Sartell (@nsartell) March 11, 2013
#AskFLOTUS What's the best vacation destination to escape to when you really feel like spending my tax dollars in style?
— Tommy Joe (@DrollNDry) March 11, 2013
#AskFLOTUS Where in the constitution does its state "the FLOTUS shall tell kids what to eat"? Just wondering.....
— James Balderrama (@JamesBalderrama) March 11, 2013
How weird was it to present the Oscar for best movie about the SUCCESSFUL rescue of embassy personnel?#askflotus #Benghazi
— Jill Zarin Advices(@wwjzd1) March 11, 2013
#AskFLOTUS When your hash tag gets hijacked are you mad at Al Gore for inventing the Internet?
— Politically Social (@politically_soc) March 11, 2013
If your such a fashionista why do you let little Barry wear women's jeans?#AskFLOTUS
— greg williams (@gwilliams1967) March 11, 2013