Milton Friedman On Greed - Phil Donahue Show (1979)
Feb 10, 2011 at 4:56 AM
DailyBail in 1979, Capitalism, FREEDOM, capitalism, greed, milton friedman, phil donahue show

Friedman on poverty, greed, free markets and Capitalism.  Too bad he's not around anymore to explain away the ideological failure of free markets aided and abetted by the captured ruling class. The Kleptocracy won again, Miltie.  Did Friedman imagine and calculate for the distortion of free markets when greed and control of regulators could mean a $3 billion paycheck for John Paulson.  And did greed propel Paulson to collude with Goldman Sachs to create 'shitty CDOs' that were designed to, and succeeded at, failing.  Or were they just having some fun with Timberwolf and Abacus.


Goldman Hearings boiled down to 5 minutes...

Mash-up clip.  Seven hours in 5 minutes.


Further reading...

How Goldman Sachs Created 'Shitty' CDOs, Sold Them To AIG, Forced AIG Into Bankruptcy, Got A $20 Billion Bailout, Paid Themselves Billions In Bonuses, And Watched As Tim Geithner Covered It All Up


Nobel Prize Winning Economist Milton Friedman On Lord Bernanke: "My Preference Would Be To Abolish The Federal Reserve" (Video 2006)





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