Monday Links Part 1 (28 Articles, August 10, 2009)
Aug 10, 2009 at 5:46 AM
DailyBail in bailout links, bailouts, bernanke, goldman sachs, hank paulson, links, links, lloyd blankfein, real estate, wall street

Paulson In Constant Contact With Blankfein During Crisis (Do Not Not Miss This One)

Geithner Asks Congress For Higher US Debt Limit

IMF Puts Total Cost Of Crisis At $11.9 Trillion

8 Questions For Henry Paulson

You Are Paying $1 Billion To Break Up AIG

5 Big Firms Hold 80% Of All Derviative Risk

Attempts To Control Pay On Wall Street Hits New Hurdle

Paying For The Chance To Get An Un-Paid Internship

From Plasma Physicist To Citadel's Nemesis

Morgan Stanley Warrant Repurchase

There's Value In Real Estate If You Find Your Florida

Richard Bove: In Defense Of Ken Lewis

The History of Stock Markets

Meet AIG's New Boss

Bernanke's Exit Dilemna

My First 100 Days As Head Of Enforcement For The SEC

Peter Schiff Report Monday August Third

Darrell Issa Letter To Rahm Emanuel About Stimulus

The Matrix But With Money: The World Of High-Speed Trading

US Consumer Credit Falls For 5th Straight Month

For Today's Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics

S & P Downgrades UK Bank Debt

Open Letter To Senators Regarding S 604, To Audit The Fed

Quantitative Easing Coming To An End?

Deleveraging The US Economy

Apple And Google Voice: What's Going On Here?

Depositing Checks With Your I-Phone

New Underseas Cables Expand Broadband To Africa

Last Links Collection (25 Articles, Aug. 7)

Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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