"Money Is The New Tea" - #MicCheckWallStreet Drops $5000 From Seattle Hotel (VIDEO)
Jul 12, 2012 at 3:43 PM
DailyBail in citizens united, lobbying, lobbying, occupy wall street, video

Direct action by #MicCheckWallStreet (miccheckwallst.org) on July 4th, 2012.  $5000 of 1-dollar bills with messages saying "Money as speech silences us all.  End Citizens United!"


UK Guardian

Occupy protesters in Seattle marked the Fourth of July by throwing $5,000 out of a hotel window in a protest against the influence of money in politics.

MicCheckWallStreet, an offshoot of the Occupy movement, staged the demonstration at 5pm. The group's website declared that it is "time we declared independence from Citizens United" – citing the supreme court case which effectively ruled that corporations can make political contributions.

A video posted to YouTube shows two people tossing the cash – which MicCheckWallStreet said was in $1 and $5 bills – out of a window above downtown Seattle.

The group had signalled its intentions on its website, asking for donations to a wepay.com account. The wepay page shows that McCheckWallStreet exactly met its $5,000 goal, collected from just 37 donors.

"Every dollar you donate is guaranteed to be thrown off a building and is tax deductible, what more could you ask for?!," said a statement on MicCheckWallStreet's website.

"Be a part of it, donate today!  Money is the New Tea!"





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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