MUST READ OUTRAGE: Man Rots In Jail For Five Days, Loses Job & Car - All For Cashing A JPMorgan Chase Check At Chase Bank, Bank Admits Error One Year Later ONLY After Story Hits The Media
Jul 16, 2011 at 4:09 PM
DailyBail in FRAUD, JP Morgan, banks, banks, chase bank, fraud, jail, jpmorgan

This is an unbelievable story befitting the U.S. Kleptocracy.  Meanwhile Jamie Dimon gets a trillion or so of your money thru stealth bailouts, and the media gushes and celebrates.

It's been a year since the incident, and Chase didn't apologize until the story hit the local Seattle media, after the wrongly-imprisoned man lost his job and his car as a direct result of JPMorgan's error.

You are not going to believe these details.


Njoku was taken to jail on June 24, 2010, which was a Thursday. The next day, Chase Special Investigations, realized it was a mistake. The check was legitimate. The Investigator called Auburn Police and left a message with the detective handling the case, but it was her day off. So Njoku stayed in jail for the entire weekend. Finally, on Monday, he was released.

Auburn Police Commander Dave Colglazier said Chase could have done a lot more to let them know they’d locked up an innocent man. 

“We do have a main line that comes into our front office,” he said. “There are ways to reach someone 24/7 at a police department.”

For Njoku, going to jail for five days meant a lot more than just losing his freedom. He said the entire time he was “just stressed out…trying to figure out what was going on with my vehicle.  I love my vehicle,” he said.

Njoku’s car had been towed from the bank parking lot and his check seized as evidence. 

“I had to wait a couple of weeks,” he said, “and my car got sold, auctioned off."

Njoku says he didn’t have the money to pay the impound fees and fines to get his car back before it was sold.  He said he also lost his job because he didn’t show up for work while he was in jail.

After all of that, Njoku said he never heard a word from Chase.

“They haven’t even sent me a letter or apologized,” he said. “It’s been a year we’ve been trying to contact these guys.”

Finally, A Seattle attorney offered to help. Last week, Felix Luna sent Chase a scathing letter.  Read the attorneys' letter to Chase.

“It’s one thing to make a mistake,” Luna said. “It’s one thing to make multiple errors of judgment like Chase has made and then, once you realize that your error has caused such harm to somebody else, to just ignore it for a year. I think he deserved better. I think all their customers do.”

Read the full story at Seattle's KING 5 News...

And the follow-up with JPMorgan's hollow apology...



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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