NATIONAL DEBT WATCH -- Latest Figures On Government Spending, Total Federal Debt & FY 2010 Deficit
Aug 23, 2010 at 11:42 AM
DailyBail in debt and deficits, federal debt, federal deficit, government spending, government spending, national debt

We've got $900 billion more to go until we bump against the latest debt celiling at $14.3 trillion.

Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.

Total public debt subject to limit Aug. 19          13,310,379
Statutory debt limit                                               14,294,000
Total public debt outstanding Aug. 19              13,363,228
Operating balance Aug. 19                                    230,177
Net interest fiscal year 2010 thru July                   185,248
Net interest same period 2009                              167,706
Deficit fiscal year 2010 thru July                          1,169,071
Deficit same period 2009                                     1,266,963
Receipts fiscal year 2010 thru July                       1,752,541
Receipts same period 2009                                  1,739,949
Outlays fiscal year 2010 thru July                        2,921,612
Outlays same period 2009                                   3,006,912
Gold assets in August                                               11,041


Source: Link

My apologies but I could not format the figures to get them lined up correctly.




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