Neil Barofsky With Lauren Lyster: Tim Geithner Picked A Fight With The WRONG Former Federal Prosecutor
Aug 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM
DailyBail in Bank Bailouts, Wall Street Bailout, bailout, barofsky, geithner, lauren lyster, neil barofsky, tim geithner, video, wall street bailout

From yesterday's show.  Nice Brad Sherman lead-in with Paulson martial law threats.


More on the Barofsky-Geithner battle:

'Deeply Offended' Geithner Tells Charlie Rose: "Urban Myth Is Out There That I Spent My Life At Goldman Sachs"


Barofsky: 'Geithner Admitted To Us Privately That Obama's Housing Policy Was DESIGNED To Sacrifice Homeowners In Order To "FOAM THE RUNWAY" For The Banks'




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