RAW VIDEO - Police Fire Tear Gas, Use Flash Grenades, Rubber Bullets On Occupy Oakland Protesters
Oct 26, 2011 at 2:19 AM
DailyBail in #ows, Police, Police State, Wall Street Bailout, Wall Street Protests, occupy oakland, occupy wall street, police, police brutality, revolution, video, wall street

Runs 45 seconds.

Police fired tear gas at Occupy Oakland protesters on Tuesday night as a group of hundreds assembled outside City Hall.  Early Tuesday morning, hundreds of police surrounded protesters at their small tent city in Frank H. Ogawa Plaza.  The “Occupy Oakland” protesters later regrouped and marched through downtown Oakland.


Watch the footage in the first minute of this clip.

RTAmerica--Oct 25, 2011--Police officers in Oakland covered in riot gear ransacked through occupiers belongings and trashed dozens of tents. Approximately 85 protesters were arrested early this morning. The protesters had been occupying for two weeks and say the police were armed with flash grenades and guns with rubber bullets. Josh Wolf, an independent journalist, gives us a firsthand account of what happened.


More good clips below.




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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