'Cyprus reminds me of GM's bailout. The rule of law should transcend crisis, politicians and political cycles.'
Both clips are from yesterday and run about 3 minutes each.
Rick talks with Zach Karabell about Cyprus:
Santelli nails it in the 2nd half of this clip:
"Bottom line. Our leaders are no different from Europe. You don't bend on principle. You don't bend on the Constitituion. And you most certainly don't bend on the rule of law."
Doofus says in response:
"Laws always change. Rule of law is not immutable."
Monday's Daily Mail front page - "The great EU bank robbery" #tomorrowspaperstoday twitter.com/suttonnick/sta…
— Nick Sutton (@suttonnick) March 17, 2013
A William Banzai must see:
BiG PiCTuRe: THe CYPRuS EFFeCT... | Zero Hedge