Sarah Palin Stump Speech: "Mama Grizzlies Will Punish Democrats In November" (WATCH)
May 17, 2010 at 3:51 AM
DailyBail in sarah palin, sarah palin, video



Video:  Sarah Palin at the Susan B. Anthony List event -- May 14, 2010

You know my thoughts on Idiotic Bailout Supporter Sarah Palin.  Slow motion train wreck with lots of make-up.  The message is fine, the messenger sucks:


Read all about it at HERE  >>


Further reading:

Yes, Palin Backed the Bailouts (Washington Independent)

POLL:  Just 41% in Alaska Would Vote for Palin for President (Rasmussen)







Stupid Sarah Palin




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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