Sarkozy & Merkel Promise To Bailout The Entire European Continent Until The End Of Time & Fiat Currency
Nov 26, 2010 at 8:20 PM
DailyBail in Euro Crisis, Europe, angela merkel, bailout, bailout news, euro, euro bailout, europe, sarkozy


Angela Merkel in eurozone permanent bail-out vow - BBC

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to implement a permanent bail-out facility amid speculation over a break up of the 16-nation eurozone.

A joint statement with French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the two would propose replacing the existing fund that expires in 2013.

Meanwhile the head of Germany's central bank said the existing fund could be increased if needed.

And the fund's head has dismissed the risk of a eurozone break-up.

Klaus Regling of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) said it was "inconceivable that the euro fails".

There has been speculation that some countries may be forced to give up the euro in light of the Irish debt crisis.
Fund upsize

In their joint statement, the French and German leaders said that they were working "under high pressure on a joint proposal for a crisis mechanism that is to replace the current one beyond 2013".

The EFSF was set up over the summer as a general rescue fund for eurozone governments, in a failed attempt to prevent the Greek debt crisis spreading to other countries.

The two leaders also said they wanted a bail-out of the Irish Republic by the EU and IMF to be finalised as soon as possible.

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