The $144 Billion Wall Street Rip Off - Strippers, Sports Cars & Stealing From Taxpayers (VIDEO)
Dec 10, 2010 at 7:24 PM
DailyBail in Bank Bailouts, Wall Street Bailout, bailout, bank bonus, banks, banks, bonus, wall street, wall street, wall street bonuses

Video - Strippers, jewelry & sports cars - Wall Street art of sucking money

At 2:45, the strip club owner says "...the bonuses are so well deserved."


Text from Youtube page - Bonus time is approaching on Wall Street, and to the anger of many, the rewards are set to rise. But it's not just bankers' bonuses going up, so is unemployment across America. Thanks to the actions of those same financial institutions who were rescued with billions of dollars in bail out cash. RT's Marina Portnaya looks at where that money is ending up.





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
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