The Daily Bail Launches A New Site Section -- VIDEOS
Jun 26, 2010 at 3:54 PM
DailyBail in The daily bail, site housekeeping

Brand new -- I've posted the first 30 clips.



Description from the video page:

Just videos.  The new page is an experiment to deal with the huge overflow of video content.  I will be setting the 'landing page' for 'Daily Bail' to the 'video' page whenever I post a group of new clips there.  You can still reach our usual 'HOME' page on the navigation bar at the top of every page.

Videos on this page will cover a much wider variety of subjects.  Some will be inane and posted purely for entertainment, often just my own.  Also, I like sports and animals, especially dogs, so there will be a fair amount of both posted as 'antidotes to the pain' of watching the other clips.

It's pretty simple -- if you don't like the clip you're watching, move quickly to the next one by clicking the 'double-red arrows' that are on both sides of the 'red headline' above.  If you wish to see the chronological list of videos, click HERE.


Give me some feedback, pro and con, on this style change.  Presenting clips like this, without having to build an 'excerpt' for the front page, saves me 1/2 the time it normally takes to do a post.  So if it works for you, knowing that you can always click on a list if you want to go directly to a certain story, then it works for me.

If you have a thought on it, put it in comments below.




Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (
See website for complete article licensing information.