The Daily Show Examines The Acorn Seed
Sep 23, 2009 at 6:07 AM
DailyBail in acorn, comedy, jon stewart, jon stewart, political humor, scandal, the daily show, video

I've been waiting for an angle to cover the ACORN scandal, and Jon Stewart provides the vehicle.  Yeah, these are serious issues, but how can you deny the humor.  From the insanely white protagonists posing as pimp and prostitute, yet not even remotely trying to disguise their educated elocution, to the sheer ridiculousness of their plan:

The comedy ratchets up a notch with each successive release.  In San Bernardino, an ACORN employee confesses to shooting her husband.  In San Diego, the employee plots to help the down-on-their luck duo achieve child-smuggling logisitcal success, while also requesting the fee of the posing prostitute.  He's just curious.

And all the way along we've been treated to the beautiful mess that is Bertha Lewis, the corrupt-CEO of embattled ACORN as she spews nonsense to anyone who will listen.  Jon Stewart took a look at the sordid nut that is also the ACORN seed.


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Audacity of Hos
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The Audacity Of Hos

Two kids with a video camera and their grandmother's chinchilla coat uncover ACORN's corruption.

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