Tickling The Political Ivories -- New Songs From Palin, Obama, Bush & McCain
Jun 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM
DailyBail in bush, john mccain, obama, sarah palin, song, songs

Video:  Obama song by Guy Magic Fingers

Relax, it's Friday.  Four short songs -- five minutes total.

And before you send me those emails.  There are no favorites here.  These 4 individuals are among the worst politicians our country has ever seen.  Each one a partisan hack in a 1-party system.  Next.


Have you heard:


Video:  Song for Palin & McCain


Video:  Palin song by Henry Hey


Video:  Bush Song by Henry Hey

Bush sings his way through his final press conference.


Video:  Palin song

This one is not the same style as the others.  No piano.


Note:  If you're new to the site and think I'm picking on Sarah, then please meet:








Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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