Don't count on it Celente. Unemployment checks keep the oppressed from fighting back, preferring a night on the couch with American Idol & Dancing With Palin to revolution in the streets.
Runs 11 minutes. If you're rushed for time, start somewhere in the middle. The final 5 minutes are excellent.
Wall Street is a Mafioso's game: Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson, and Obama have replaced Gambini, Afatelli, Luigi, and Malovitti. The stimulus and bailouts, though disguised eloquently, are little more than a taxpayer cover-up of criminal, generational theft. The crooks and liars make the rules, and revolution is coming to the United States in 2012.
Editor's Note: We are reposting this older Celente clip in light of revolution sweeping Northern Africa and the Middle East.
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