Is former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker being silenced by Larry Summers, Tim Geithner and the rest of the Obama administration?
It's no secret that Volcker believes that portions of Glass-Steagall should be re-implemented, meaning the largest hybrid banks would be forced to shed assets, choosing either commercial or investment banking, but not both.
The transcript and reaction from Bartiromo are inside.
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CNBC Video: Paul Volcker With Maria Bartiromo -- November 2
BARTIROMO: Let me just ask you this cause you know a lot of people say thank god Volcker is where he is right now advising the president you saved the economy once before we want you to save it again.
VOLCKER: Maria, I think that -- thank God I'm sitting here with a purple-dressed --
BARTIROMO: Do you feel you're being listened to, Sir? Are you being heard in the administration?
VOLCKER: I've got a loud voice. There you are. Like I said, the decision in the end is not mine. I give them the best advice I can give them.
BARTIROMO: What advice are you giving them right now?
VOLCKER: That's a long story. I need to go make a speech. No, I have good relationships with them. there's no problem between us.
BARTIROMO: Do you feel that we should be seeing an exit strategy articulated in terms of government's ownership of business, in terms of the fed programs out there?
VOLCKER: Look, they are thinking hard, I'm sure, about exit strategies. It's not an impossible problem. It will be a difficult problem. A lot depends on how the economy recovers. we've got to get some recovery going.
BARTIROMO: Can you talk to us about the deficit. Are you worried, should this be a near term priority?
VOLCKER: Everybody ought to be worried about the deficit. It's a big deficit. But the time will come to deal with it.
VOLCKER: It all depends upon the economy. The time has come for me to give a speech.
BARTIROMO: Mr. Volcker, you've got to go. We appreciate you sitting down with us today.
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