Video: Paul Ryan Auditions To Be President - GOP State Of The Union Response
Jan 26, 2011 at 5:52 PM
DailyBail in federal debt, federal deficit, national debt, paul ryan, paul ryan, sotu, state of the union, video

Video - Paul Ryan can taste the White House

On Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin gave the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union Address.  He said 'U.S. debt is out of control' and outlined the Republican Party's budget objectives.


Don't forget what we've covered in the past.

Paul Ryan loves Wall Street and bank bailouts.

He voted 'Yes' on TARP.

Paul Ryan also loves deficit reduction; he eats it for breakfast and hugs it at night. But he took a 2-week acid trip and voted to extend the Bush tax cuts, without any spending cuts.  He is what some people might call a hypocrite.

By the way, the national debt increases by $5 billion per day.  Every day.  Even Sunday.  And holidays, too.  On your birthday, and when you're on vacation.  If you did nothing but drink beer and drive a golf cart for a week, the national debt would expand by $35 billion while you sobered up in jail.




Paul Ryan's finest hour...

Video:  Ryan vs. Obama

Ryan makes Obama look like a chump during the televised debate on health care, and leaves the Deficit President speechless.

Much more detail is here...



Further reading...








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