Warren Buffett Warns: We're Going To Be Crushed By A Mountain Of Debt (NYT Editorial On Federal Deficits & Spending Gone Wild) 
Aug 19, 2009 at 6:27 PM
DailyBail in Federal Bankruptcy, debt, deficits, dollar collapse, federal debt, federal deficit, federal spending, nyt editorial, warren buffett

Well it's about time Buffett came around.  Been making the case repeatedly and painfully.  Since the day we launched.  The debt and deficits are going to kill Obama.  A $2 trillion deficit this year is 4x(Bush).  That's a big freaking number.  Warren Buffett finally got on board the sanity train with his editorial in this morning's New York Times 'The Greenback Effect'.  The shit stat of the whole piece is that we are spending 185% of what we take in this fiscal year.

Here are a few thoughts from the Oracle (yet none of this is new information):

Henry Blodgett and Aaron Task discuss the Buffett editorial.



Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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