WATCH: Bernanke Announces QE5
Dec 17, 2012 at 11:19 AM
DailyBail in QE, bernanke, bernanke, fed, federal reserve, fomc, interest rates, press conference, qe, qe4, qe5, quantitative easing, video

Bernanke speaks.

Runs 3 minutes.  Highlight clip of Bernanke's press conference Thursday.

Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) –- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke offers his views on the outlook for Fed monetary policy and the so-called year-end fiscal cliff of automatic budget cuts and tax increases. Bernanke speaks at a news conference in Washington.

Roubini Says It's QE5 - In Case you're Counting


Full Presser:

Read more on Bernanke's decision at Bloomberg...

Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke speaks about the central bank's monetary policy, the U.S. economy and fiscal policy. He speaks at a news conference in Washington after a meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee. The Fed for the first time linked the outlook for its main interest rate to unemployment and inflation, and said it will expand its asset purchase program by buying $45 billion a month of Treasury securities starting in January to spur the economy.

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