WATCH LIVE -- House & Senate Conference Deliberations On Wall Street Reform Bill (JOIN US IN THE LIVE CHAT)
Jun 15, 2010 at 12:45 PM
DailyBail in Volcker Rule, conference committee, house, senate, video, video, wall street reform, wall street reform, watch live

Session has concluded for today.  Start again tomorrow morning.  You can read a summary of today's coverage below:

Conference Chat Summary  >>


Live Video -- June 15, 2010


A better idea is to watch live at the Sunlight Foundation where you can participate in the LIVE CHAT.

Come join the fray  >>

They also have a feature that shows all the relevant campaign donations from whichever member happens to be speaking at the moment.  Extremely impressive.


From last Thursday, Day 1:

Conference session has concluded for today.  It was nothing but a political show.  Opening statements from everyone full of rhetoric and hot air.  There are 3 things to watch for:

They resume work again Tuesday.  We will bring this 'Watch Live' post back up then.  If you would like to read today's commentary and all the links:

Click HERE  >>


Below is the text from an email I received from Sunlight.  I have not proofed or edited it.  When I get a moment, I will clean it up.


Later today, a conference of both House and Senate representatives will discuss how to move forward with financial regulation in our country.

It's a big deal, and once again we're going to be covering it with our Sunlight Live program.

When we broadcast Sunlight Live during the health care debate, citizens and news outlets across the country called it a true game-changer for how political news is covered. Almost 50,000 people tuned in to participate during that debate, and we hope you'll join again as we dive in with financial reform. 

Our coverage will show live footage of the conference deliberations while displaying government data about the representatives as they speak. You won't just hear opinions from politicians while participating in Sunlight Live; you'll be part of a community engaging in a nationwide conversation on the issue - all while seeing real facts about who is influencing the leaders who decide the future of this issue. 

The conference will continue for 6-8 days over the next two weeks (picking up again next Tuesday), and we'll be there throughout. We hope you'll join us each day for as long as you can.

And don't just join yourself. Please invite others to do the same by sharing the link on Twitter, Facebook, or by simply forwarding this email. 

Together, we're reinventing how politicians are held to account during important debates in this country. 

Let's continue to show the world that when we get raw, unbiased information about our government, we know how to use it.

See you online, in real-time,


The Sunlight Team


Update on Jun 15, 2010 at 12:46 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated.  Conference has resumed. 



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