Zsa Zsa Huffington Discusses Scott Brown's Victory With Keith Olbermann (VIDEO)
Jan 21, 2010 at 2:53 PM
DailyBail in healthcare reform, keith olbermann, massachusetts, obama, scott brown, scott brown, senate, video, video

Video:  Zsa Zsa and Keith console one another over the death of Obamacare


Featured comment:

Dobermann gets paid to be a blind ignorant blowhard, but Arianna--come on! After an ENTIRE year, you still don't get it! It's not about one party communicating how 'they care' or understand or about some 'need' to make programs for the people. It's about the people wanting to be FREE from government interference!! GET IT? LIBERTY, Arianna--look it up!!

Sonic Ninja





Article originally appeared on The Daily Bail (http://dailybail.com/).
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