EXPOSED: 'Crash The Tea Party' Infiltration Effort
Considering our previous story, I reserve equal anger for these bastards.
Check out the Keith Olbermann ass-kiss the founder has on his twitter page.
Feel free to trash this tool's Twitter account.
Reader Comments (135)
It'll TOTALLY help Mobamba draw his citizen's attention AWAY from the fact that he's FUCKING UP the U.S. from WITHIN ..while at the same time Americans are induced to go into the SAME frothing-at-the-mouth hysteria of PATRIOTISM that they did under King George the W after 9/11.
"The" Tea Party, mind you, doesn't even exist. It's a figment of George Stephanopoulos's imagination. Even in my area, there are at least four (five?) different tea party groups and there's at least three distinct types among those four or five (libertarian, Glenn Beckish, and non-GOP constitutionalist).
We'd have to be a virtual tea-party group for the most part. At least two of us are in Indiana, so if we were to actually get out our pitchforks and signage on occasion, it may as well be in that area. Seriously, what do you say? I'm game. I've been itching to scream at people, anyway.
We could call ourselves Code Pitchfork -- and just think of the possibilities for signs: Jamie and Barry sucking face; a poster of the Panthers on the courthouse steps reading "Armed Protest / An American / Tradition"; Tim Geithner with horns... The possibilities are really, really good. My wife's cousin was in the Weather Underground -- she says it was the time of her life.
Nothing says civil disobedience like Silly String.
I also like the idea of teaming up with the code-pinkers (because most tea parties are also sausage-fests). Think of the photo-ops - Bernanke and Geithner surrounded by pinkers AND smothered in Silly String.
Even more important than Silly String though is constructing a narrative. I would start with the repeal of Glass-Steagall (Rob Rubin & Larry Summers) which turned Wall Stnto a casino.
Mawk says...I also like the idea of teaming up with the code-pinkers (because most tea parties are also sausage-fests).
What color is the sky in your world? I think the party you are dreaming about Mawk is Boston Gay Pride Day.
Mark, please google image "Tea Party & Crowd". Take a nice long look at what pops up then go get a job at Huffington Post where you can continue to make things up.
For whatever it's worth, had I been President, after 911, I would have run air raids on the hometowns of the hijackaers (most of whom were Saudis - let's not forget that). Because, hey, if your kid grows up to be a murdering extremist you can expect the bombs in your backyard. It would have been a much cheaper, and in my opinion, more effective solution. And why can't we call these "contractors" what they are - mercenaries?
Don't get me wrong, I want America strong and able to protect itself, but the war machine's greatest power is extortion.
I hate to break this to you, but the kind of "tea parties" we're talking about here aren't those things you have in the backyard with ribbons in your hair and stuffed animals.
Now shhh.... the grownups are talking.
Close Gitmo. NOPE.
Any other ideas?
Well, there goes Timothy McVeigh's hometowns in NY and Florida then.
UNLESS of course this is another one of those cases where you have TWO sets of values, one for YOURSELF and one for others. But you would NEVER do that, right?
Yeah, right.
When people realize that the sick-fucks in their midst endanger their own lives, they'll stop them. Don't make it so complicated.
What are you doing then about the sick fucks amidst YOU, right now? What are you doing to stop THEM?
Don't make it seem so simple.
But I am curious, what do you think should happen to authorities who ignore warnings?
In fact you can turn a blind eye to unspeakable abuse and still become Pope. That's what happens when no one's held accountable.
You're SUCH a sick f@ck....
Release it, if you have one Barry Soetoro.
That's exactly the kind of crap the Tea Party could take on. If it's just about candidates, then yes, it's a loser. 1994 Re-do(-do). But the beauty of the tea party is having bodies in the streets demanding accountability. I think they'll fold if push comes to shove. (No Tienanmen Square.) And I'm all for pushing and shoving. And silly string!
I checked out one of those meet-up sites - you can watch your home page develop as you build. Looked pretty cool. INDIANA CODE PITCHFORK. I made it red. Thought about pink, but it wasn't hot enough. But red is good. You know, blood of patriots and tyrants and all. Hopefully just tyrants.
I posted that the other day, but let's see what happens. Will BHO even answer questions about his case? I bet Jake Crapper won't even try.
I have been preaching it for years, glad to see that you seek the knowledge...
"When did they annex Manhattan?"
Right AFTER we started bombing & killing their wives & children."
RLR, it might surprise you to know that the second, and obviously most famous attack on 9-11 was not the first time they have attacked us, or the world trade center.
"Who can make a point without saying "sick fuck" over and over?"
I can...
"TEAM Lt. Col. Terry Lakin ! "
之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
(重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷
興渠另說為洋蔥。) 肉 蛋 奶?!
念楞嚴經 *∞窮盡相關 消去無關 證據 時效 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界
不婚 不生子女 生生世世不當老師
log 二0.3010 三0.47710.48 五0.6990 七0.8451 .85
root 二1.414 1.41 三1.732 1.73五 2.236 2.24七 2.646
=>十3.16 π∈Q' 一點八1.34
Nor is it the first time we've bombed their wives & children.
物,主要有五種葷菜,合稱五葷,佛家與道家所指有異。近代則訛稱含有動物性成分的餐飲食物為「葷菜」,事實上這在古代是稱之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
維基百科,自由的百科全書(重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷 "
To Whom it May Concern,
The bearer of this note is a very sick individual who goes by the name of Zarathustra, although he has MANY other identities as well. He is in need of SERIOUS psychiatric medical attention. Unfortunately here in China we lack the proper resources and therefore EXECUTE such useless beings, however if YOU have any use for him please feel free to take him with our compliments.
Curiously, the original phrasing in Chinese utilizes the word " 佛家五葷 " (chee-no-qu-win) in reference to Zara, which means; "he who urinates in the teapot because he is not right in the head".
I just thought it an interesting thing to mention.
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SEC Accuses Goldman Sachs of Civil Fraud; Shares Tumble- AP
The government is accusing Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs & Co. of defrauding investors in its disclosures about securities it sold tied to subprime mortgage securities as the housing market was faltering.
Sell Short...Goldman has done the same thing with municipal bonds. They profit from the original bonds and then short them. This activitiy threatens New Jersey. If Goldman is put out of business, New Jersey suburbs will collapse when all the criminals lose their salaries. I am not talking about Tony Soprano.
Shame on goldman!
NOW watch as they try to pin everything on ONE or a FEW stupid bastards when GOVERNMENT KNOWLEDGE & COMPLICITY was CRUCIAL in allowing this to happen.
This is *SO* predictably out of standard Central American Fourth-World-Shithole politics, it's NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE.
Well, ALMOST not.
What IS your agenda?