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VIDEO: 120 Seconds Of Gerald Celente Kicking Wall Street's Ass - "$144B Bonus Is 49th Largest GDP In World!"

Video:  Celente is on fire...

I don't usually post GC, so you know this clip is really good.  By far the best part is the utter annihilation of private equity billionaire Stephen Schwarzman

Text from youtube page -- While millions of Americans are unemployed and the national debt is soaring, it seems top financial executives are far from feeling the pinch.  A recent Wall Street Journal survey estimates they'll receive a staggering $144 billion dollars in compensation and benefits this year. 

  • This amount is equal to the U.S. stimulus package approved by Congress in 2008

Celente says Americans are failing to react to the payouts, because the financiers' fanbase in the mainstream media is distracting public opinion.


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Reader Comments (61)

Merican news programs have the lowest ratings on TV. No one watches them or cares about em. Newspapers are dying all over America.

Everyone of any intelligence goes to the internet. Only old fogies stick with old habits and have the gall to complain.

What about Amy Goodman's Democracy Now? http://www.democracynow.org/

(Not to mention many, many websites such as The Daily Bail ;)

You can read the daily Cuban newspaper in English here, http://www.cubanews.ain.cu/ not to mention Pravda in English, The People's World and any number of left wing, anti-Elitist rags.

Speaking of Cuba, even the Rupert Murdoch owned, right wing Wall Street Journal just printed this interesting article on Cuban baseball http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704141104575588360930640460.html

The power elite in America are complacent. Why should they worry about the masses who have virtually no radical parties? I can almost hear them answer questions about the poor: As Marie Antoinette was supposed to have said just before the French Revolution:

"Let them eat cake."

The Elite my ass. They are getting perilously close to bringing the entire country down around their ears from sheer mismanagement.

That's about the only thing I fear about the Elite. Their incompetence.
Nov 9, 2010 at 1:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
"I guess you didn't read my post very carefully."

I read it carefully, no where did you state that you did not share those views. normally if I post something that I do not profess to believe, I will say something Like "some people say" along with it, or clarify it in another manner.

As to your ideas,

1) The American people aren't interested in news. They don't buy newspapers and don't watch news programs. They want infotainment.


2) The entertainment industry exists to make a profit so there is little incentive for them to produce unpopular news programs.

True, but profits can be externally influenced.

3) The Founding Fathers valued news to the point where they often allowed newspapers to use the government printing presses for free and gave the newspapers reduced postage rates. But if there is no demand for and interest in the news then there is no incentive for governments to subsidize newspapers, news magazines and radio and television stations.

Most media outlets still receive government funding to maintain certain programs (emergency broadcast system as 1 example), that money, just like highway money, etc., does buy influence.

"Truth and real facts will be presented only if they don't conflict with the elite agenda. Any news outlet that published or broadcast information that could truly be considered robust or great but did not meet elite approval would be out of business in a week. I think the American people have been subjected to a lot of misinformation from the press"

Or they might find themselves with a lack of advertisers, or develope "regulatory issues". Refer back to the very real, yet under reported stories I listed above as examples, and I will add 1 more example, the dude that dropped a dime on Bernie Maddoff years ago. If that is not news then what is it?

"This years flu shot is poised to KILL Millions of young, & Old. Last year it floped on them. They got thAre ducks in-a-row this year."

0615 Nov.8 I reported as ordered for a complete battery of immunizations including the flu shot, I am against this, but some of us do not have the right to choose (after all this is America). I currently feel like shit.

I will have JTS leave a obituary if anything happens.
Nov 9, 2010 at 2:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
I hate cake by the way, so did the French.
Nov 9, 2010 at 2:17 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Unless we reform our electoral system we could elect the most intelligent, knowledgeable candidate in the country and they would be powerless against the corrupt system that controls Washington. We have to get the money and the lobbies out of government. If that doesn't change nothing will.


great point sagebrush...

and james street...glad you clarified...
Nov 9, 2010 at 3:26 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
What was confusing about the following statement?

"It (the website) makes a strong case that news, television and film are controlled by a handful of large corporations which are mostly owned by Jews. The logical fallacy is that because Jews have such a large presence in these corporations, Jews control them.

Jews have received about 25% of all Nobel prizes and an even higher percentage in physics. But you have to go back to the Nazis to hear phrases like "Jewish physics" when describing relativity theory and quantum mechanics."

I have a website.

I've posted here many times.

When have I ever written anything antisemitic?
Nov 9, 2010 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
james...i'm not doubting you...and i've never seen you say anything of the sort...i read things much too quickly for my own good...especially comments...i missed the word 'fallacy'...
Nov 9, 2010 at 1:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Far from "controlling everything" the Jews have always been in a precarious position in every society they've been part of.

Ironically, they are in an even more precarious position today when most Islamic countries either openly or covertly call for the destruction of Israel.

I've often thought that if Hitler and the Nazis had had only one small shred of intelligence and had embraced the Jews as a unique German asset (Yiddish is based on the German language) and as partners with the "master" German race (sic) in their quest to dominate the world, we would all be speaking German today. (I might prefer to speak Yiddish but that's another story ;)

But history isn't simple. The Nazis also thought that ALL Slavs, including Russians and Poles were untermenschen who should be liquidated, not to mention a lot of other very stupid things (which many people in the West, unfortunately, also believed.)

As for taking money out of politics, I agree with you, nominally, but every very large human society throughout history has been dominated by elites of one kind or another. Think of ancient Rome, 18th century France, or 19th century Prussia, to name only three.

The recent dream of transcending that model was (and still is in many places) communism but 20th century communism has demonstrated that elites invariably take power there also.

What is clear is that America is in a crisis now and if something is not done to change our situation, politically and economically, we will explode into violence and chaos.

A good comparison is with Britain at the beginning of the 19th century when they succeeded in transforming the King into a figurehead and the House of Lords into a social club. They could just as well have had an American style revolution but they managed to avoid it with those and other intelligent reforms.

I don't really think the problem is control of the press, however. After all your website, and many others, demonstrate that we can get just about as much "news" as we can digest.

The problem is the system itself which is gyrating out of control. When that happens you always see drastic methods used to keep things from falling apart. Including futile attempts to control "bad boys" in the press.
Nov 9, 2010 at 2:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
I will have JTS leave a obituary if anything happens.

Ya gotta have a back up plan, Ha ?

I feel sorry for thoes that get the shot, shot's, wheather they like it or not. They know its killing people, but must take it to work. Thats the sad part, but then this is America, whAre goverment can make us do thing we dont want to do............

I'll send the Flowers, Jake........! & bring the "Craw-Dads & Fried Cat Fish" ?
Nov 9, 2010 at 3:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
@ James Street

The problem is the system itself which is gyrating out of control. When that happens you always see drastic methods used to keep things from falling apart. Including futile attempts to control "bad boys" in the press.

We only need to place the last 6 puzzle pieces in place and the picture will be compleat. Histroy will then start another cycle....
Nov 9, 2010 at 3:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

"I think the American people have been subjected to a lot of misinformation from the press and I do not believe much if anything that they have to say."

Your attitude and that of many other intelligent people proves their "Brian Williams" strategy doesn't work and will fail spectacularly into the future.


If we don't take back our country, the banksters and illegal immigrants will. And stop worrying about shots, unless they are shot glasses. Seven is too much. (No vaccine can get through that much alcohol anyway.)

The basic problem we Americans have is that we are afraid to form associations based on ideas and principles. We have an overwhelming need to conform and be in the right group. We are horrified of associating with someone who might drag us down in some way. We need to define America and then join the America group.

The Tea Party has made an attempt but I think it is too vague and is based mainly on the disappointment created by their own bad choices in the past.

Maybe the younger generation will be better than ours. I hope so for their sake because our generation isn't leaving much.
Nov 10, 2010 at 2:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

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