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Cenk To Ratigan: Even I Would Have Joined The Tea Party, If They Weren't So Lame On The Bailouts!

Video:  Dylan Ratigan with Cenk Uygur -- Oct. 6, 2010


By Dr. Pitchfork

First off, I think the Tea Party movement is great.  On a certain level, I don't give a crap what they're angry about.  And I honestly don't care if they're motoring into town hall on their electric Medicare-mobile to bitch about their Social Security check or about Obama's missing birth certificate.  I really don't.  I'm just glad they're out there.  And I'm glad they're angry.

But the putative leaders of the Tea Party -- fake, big-government "conservatives" like Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann -- they're pretty much full of it, and I'd be pleased as punch if the tea party-ers decided to throw them overboard.  In this clip, Cenk Uygur and Dylan Ratigan proceed to rip the Tea Party hypocrites for accepting tons of government subsidies -- for themselves.

For example, Cenk points out the obvious hypocrisy of someone like Michelle Bachmann, who took in around $250,000 in Federal farm subsidies over the last few years.  But the biggest failing of the Tea Party leadership (and maybe this isn't a bug, but a feature), is their utter failure to take on the bailouts and the TBTF banks.  Not the Tea Party rank and file, necessarily, but the national leadership (such as it is) and the politicians who want to use the Tea Party for their own purposes.

Why hasn't Glenn Beck had his followers march on the Federal Reserve building, or the U.S. Treasury?  Why isn't Geithner as hated as Nancy Pelosi?  Cenk says he would have been the Tea Party's "biggest fan" if they had taken on Geithner and Obama over the bank bailouts (5:00).  There's still time for that, but for now, watch the clip.

WARNING:  Cenk uses the F-word* (the 5-letter one)







Cenk hates Goldman, as he should:







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Reader Comments (3)

Ron Paul had a vision; a dream of a renewed America. Less government control and less taxes seem great to me, but not for the elite corporations who ship jobs overseas and catastrophically pollute our environment. I, for one, support Ron Paul’s vision, but in the hands of the Tea Party this vision has become perverted to the point of posing a danger to our common goals of peace, social justice, fair and free markets, and personal liberty.

Some “Tea Party” candidates who have been promoted this election season seem to be trampling upon the platform Ron Paul built. Their dream can quickly become America’s nightmare if allowed to proliferate. My perspective is as simple as the original precepts of Ron Paul’s 2003 campaign: America deserves better than to be the playground for Tea Party ambitions and some of their exceptionalist ideals. Real, plausible solutions are needed to bring back the greatness of America, but the reality is that (though I wish it did) the Tea Party, as represented by their crop of candidates, is not the movement that offers them.

Oct 16, 2010 at 3:31 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I remember saying something a couple of months ago about hoping the tea party does not get usurped in typical banker manifesto fashion.

It has.
Oct 16, 2010 at 4:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers

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