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Chairman Ron Paul: "We Must Audit The Fed In 2011" (Video & Transcript)

Editor's Note - We are reposting this story in light of Bernanke's comments - lies, actually - when asked about a Fed audit after today's speech.


Video - Texas Straight Talk - Dec. 13, 2010

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A Full and Complete Audit of the Fed in 2011

By Chairman Ron Paul

Since the announcement last week that I will chair the congressional subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the media response has been overwhelming. The groundswell of opposition to Fed actions among ordinary citizens is reflected not only in the rhetoric coming out of Capitol Hill, but also in the tremendous interest shown by the financial press. The demand for transparency is growing, whether the political and financial establishment likes it or not. The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny. Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of my efforts as subcommittee chairman.

Thanks to public pressure earlier this year, Congress did pass legislation that requires the Fed to disclose some information about its bailout of select industries and companies following the 2008 financial crisis. So two weeks ago the Fed released data concerning more than $3 trillion of assistance it offered to banks through its bailout facilities. After reviewing this data, however, we are left with many more questions about the Fed's "lending".

In the "Term Securities Lending Facility", the Fed was supposed to have loaned against AAA-rated securities-- yet over half of the collateral put up by banks to obtain loans had no listed credit rating. Should we assume that the Fed accepted absolute junk rated securities as collateral for loans? Presumably these securities were so bad that they wouldn’t even publicize their credit rating. So why should our central bank, backed up by your taxes, accept such collateral?

On another note, of the $1.25 trillion purchased under the Fed’s "Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchase Program," only $877 billion in purchases have been publicized. What happened to the remaining $400 billion? 

These kinds of limited disclosures by the Fed only underscore the need for a full and complete audit of the Fed’s financial books. This audit should be done by an independent third party, in the same manner that public companies are audited. The Fed should make public its balance sheet, income statement, and perhaps most importantly its cash flow statement. It also should publicize the notes explaining those financial statements.

We seem to forget sometimes that Congress created the Fed-- it is a government-created banking monopoly, and its top decision-makers are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. If the Fed does not perform satisfactorily in the eyes of these politicians and their constituents, the Chairman and Governors may not be re-nominated.

In theory, Congress could even repeal the Federal Reserve Act altogether since it has the authority to do so. Obviously Congress is within its authority to audit an organization it created by statute, and it is time to assume that responsibility.

With 320 Members of Congress cosponsoring my legislation to fully audit the Fed in the 111th Congress, my hope is that we can build on our broad bipartisan coalition in 2011 and continue the push for greater Fed transparency going forward.


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Reader Comments (9)

« Ron Paul Lectures Bernanke: U.S. Moving Towards Fascism (VIDEO) »

Dec 14, 2010 at 4:40 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
« Ratigan And Ron Paul Discuss Bailout Transparency, Bad Collateral & Sending Bernanke Back To Princeton »

Dec 14, 2010 at 4:41 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
« Dr. Ron Paul: "The Two-Party System Doesn't Exist; There's Only One Political Party" (Tom Keene, Bloomberg Radio) »

Dec 14, 2010 at 4:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Bernanke's Worst Nightmare - Ron Paul To Chair Monetary Policy Subcommittee (Bernanke-Paul Greatest Hits Video)

Dec 14, 2010 at 4:43 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
« Ron Paul: "Bernanke Is The Greatest Counterfeiter In The History Of The World" »

Dec 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jct: When you don't know how to fix it, have a commission, have an audit.
Sure, end the FED, but replace it with what? No alternative but mining for
yellow rock. Why do some of Ron Paul's supporters know about community
interest-free inflation-free time-based currencies (an Hour always worth
60 minutes of volunteer work owed) and he doesn't catch on. We know
what's wrong with the banking systems engineering and don't need an
audit to know how to reprogram the malfunctioning bank software to the
LETS interest-free time-based currency alternative. UNILETS globally!
Dec 16, 2010 at 9:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterKingofthePaupers
Ummmm... "Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of my efforts as subcommittee chairman."
I was there. The chanting was thunderous... The lights come up, he takes the stage, and the crowd goes WILD!!!

Yeah, not so much. He sure got watered down along the way.

Politics, Paulitics, it is all a losing game. Buy silver, we can end the Fed ourselves.
Jan 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM | Unregistered Commenterclaire
well said claire...
Jan 12, 2011 at 4:11 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jct: When you don't know the solution, hold a commission, have an audit. Evidently, Ron Paul doesn't know what to do. Sad he hasn't kept up with the alternate community currency movement sweeping the globe. Of course, he thinks Americans already have too much money and printing more paychecks would cause inflation. Better to sit idle and starve until the market rectifies is his only advice? Bummer. See why printing paychecks for infrastructure isn't inflationary: http://johnturmel.com/biglie.htm
Jan 12, 2011 at 6:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterKingofthePaupers

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