CRIMINALLY CORRUPT - Eric Holder, Top DOJ Lawyers Were Partners With Big Banks (Reuters Investigation)
What do Jon Corzine, Eric Holder and MF Global all have in common?
Besides fraud.
Law firm Covington & Burling.
You want the Department of Justice to prosecute financial fraud? Does anyone really expect the Attorney General to turn on his former clients.
Reuters - Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks
(Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department's criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who's Who of big banks and other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud, a Reuters inquiry shows.
The firm, Covington & Burling, is one of Washington's biggest white shoe law firms. Law professors and other federal ethics experts said that federal conflict of interest rules required Holder and Breuer to recuse themselves from any Justice Department decisions relating to law firm clients they personally had done work for.
Both the Justice Department and Covington declined to say if either official had personally worked on matters for the big mortgage industry clients. Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Holder and Breuer had complied fully with conflict of interest regulations, but she declined to say if they had recused themselves from any matters related to the former clients.
Reuters reported in December that under Holder and Breuer, the Justice Department hasn't brought any criminal cases against big banks or other companies involved in mortgage servicing, even though copious evidence has surfaced of apparent criminal violations in foreclosure cases.
The evidence, including records from federal and state courts and local clerks' offices around the country, shows widespread forgery, perjury, obstruction of justice, and illegal foreclosures on the homes of thousands of active-duty military personnel.
In recent weeks the Justice Department has come under renewed pressure from members of Congress, state and local officials and homeowners' lawyers to open a wide-ranging criminal investigation of mortgage servicers, the biggest of which have been Covington clients. So far Justice officials haven't responded publicly to any of the requests.
While Holder and Breuer were partners at Covington, the firm's clients included the four largest U.S. banks - Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo & Co - as well as at least one other bank that is among the 10 largest mortgage servicers.

UPDATE - This story just got much more interesting:
Reader Comments (30)
We really can't do any of your punishments publicly except sentencing them to prison and confiscating their wealth. Too much screaming and yelling and Pepper Spray, Tazers, and batons plus the people dispensing these punishments would be expensive.
Guillotines however were real crowd pleasers from 1792 to 1981. can be reused hundreds of times without sharpening and only takes one operator. Cheap, entertaining and you can use whats left to feed the hogs.
I'm a tax payer. Where are my bailout payments from the big banks?
Last post here
Here is biggest Loot Scam ever in 2 years by Insider Corporate Scam Gang in USA Wall Street Entire History and I have Blown whistles with all watch Dog Agencies in USA
"SEC" Enforcement Division /Inspector General "SEC"/ Whistle Blower Dept at "SEC"
"FINRA" Whistle Blower Department
Posted at White house.Gov and Financial/Banking committee Web Domains
Sent emails to all Banking Committee Members
I get the Harassment and Threats instead of taking action against Netflix Insiders/Goldman Sachs/Morgan Stanley Scam Gang
Here is my web Page:
Hog's Love the taste of "Poll-La-Tich-Ions" & Bankers..........too !
Crime pays for the criminally corrupt. (here is how we do it in Canada, but Shhh. Please keep it quiet. Canada's most respected criminals do not want this info to be spread to the grassroots)
"Losing billions to "respected" fraudsters, while they get an "assist" from government, and a free pass from the police......."
By now it is well known that our financial servants have become financial predators, in too many cases. What is not as well known is how your government servants are also in the game. The game is to sell out or remove protections for the public, so that corporations can earn greater profits Sometimes by doing illegal things. (imagine if this were done in oil, fracking, pharmaceuticals, forestry, and finance, etc., etc?)
Here is how this sellout is done to your investments in Canada, to skim about one billion dollars a week for just this one industry. Your investments at risk by people hired and paid to protect you..........30 minutes. Enjoy, and contact the speaker if you have an interest in legal challenges to servants who prey upon the public.
Cheers to your financial health,
Jan 26, 2012 at 2:34 AM | Judson Witham"
You da man Judson!
gets around the Constitution
Attending a baby b-day party last Sat, and the sister (a well-connected liberal lawyer) of the Dad (my friend) approaches me and says: "hey, got something to show ya." She pulls out her iPhone and shows me a pic of her hugging/guffawing on a tall, mustached A-A man in the Freedom Center of Cincinnati (bankrupt) last week and says: "you know who that is? And I'll give ya a hint, he's not Stedman Graham."
My response: "Eric Holder."
Sister of friend: "Yes! Isn't he wonderful--the first ever A-A Attorney General of the US!!
My response: "Great. Hope you're proud. Tell him to prosecute..."
At that point she left me and refused to speak to me for the rest of the party despite only 10 people being there...
Great story josie. It proves that the great majority of well-educated folks out there still don't care (or don't know) about wall street/banking fraud and even when confronted with the reality, they choose to ignore it and blame the party-attending messenger for daring to sully the reputation of someone they hold dear. Holder is a disgrace. From Fast & Furious gun-running to looking the other way on massive financial fraud, his tenure as AG is shameful. Good on you for pointing out the truth.
You Rock, Josie................Dont forget to use Clorx Clean-Up, on yr Elbows..............................?
A U.S. Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives who were indicted under court seal within the past 13 months, but never arrested or prosecuted.
The sitting governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, his attorney general and an unspecified number of Virgin Islands legislators also accepted bribes, the source said, adding that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is aware prosecutors and elected officials were bribed and otherwise compromised, but has not held anyone accountable.
The bribed officials, an attorney with knowledge of the investigation told TheDC, remain on the taxpayers’ payroll at the Justice Department without any accountability. The DOJ source said Holder does not want to admit public officials accepted bribes while under his leadership.
Somehow he managed to get past security at the NSA and fake his background checks - I found his email address on the Internet, and reported him to the DOD and the DOJ
Two FBI agents came to my home and told me to back off - apparently people are faking their background checks at the NSA - and the DOJ knows about it -
I had to face it off with the NSA - none of the DC media would run the story - if you want the story - let me know - I'm still litigating this case
This guy left me with a little 5 year old girl to raise and never supported her - I told the NSA they can run their agency however they want - they can hire Vladimir Putin - I don't care - but nobody rips me off on child support - especially that deadbeat
I don't get it - how does a deadbeat get a security clearance? Beats me - and DOJ is entirely unconcerned - they honestly don't care - there are Federal child support laws, and DOJ is supposed to enforce them -
They just don't enforce the law against senior brass at the NSA - they go after John Edwards -
"This isn’t going away.
Both the left and the right are onto Holder’s Wall Street head fake. With the revelation of the new crony connections, the time for Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor in the Corzine/MF Global case is now."
The government is seeking $5 billion in its civil lawsuit against Standard & Poor's, accusing the ratings service of defrauding investors, in one of the most ambitious cases yet from the Justice Department over conduct tied to the financial crisis.
The Department of Justice is leaning on banks accused of manipulating currency prices to enter guilty pleas, the New York Times reports. It would represent the first time in decades that the largest American banks pleaded guilty to felony misconduct. Since the financial crisis, the only major banks from which U.S. regulators have secured guilty pleas have been foreign.
The banks named in the report – JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland – are accused of illegally gaming the foreign exchange currency market. In November, regulators levied a multibillion-dollar fine on six banks, three of which are now reported to be under DOJ investigation (Barclays opted out of the previous settlement to continue negotiating).
In transcripts released alongside last year’s settlement, the banks’ traders were seen colluding in an online message room dubbed “the Cartel” (among other names) to rig prices and execute favorable deals. They used code words to escape internal monitoring systems and carefully restricted admission into the elite circle.
The Times reports that the scheme went even farther, however, incorporating an electronic platform that served to artificially inflate the currencies sold to clients. The allegations, attributed to New York state financial regulator Benjamin M. Lawsky, echo previous reports alleging the use of algorithms in bank currency trading platforms. The existence of such a system would indicate wrongdoing that was institutional in scope, rather than the work of a few maverick traders.
With more than $5 trillion passing through every day, the lightly regulated foreign exchange market constitutes the largest financial marketplace in the world. Corporate treasurers and mutual fund managers rely on the big banks central to the foreign exchange to trade currencies. Because currency prices are volatile, the foreign exchange pauses for 60 seconds every day to allow stable trading at the going price.
According to the investigation, traders at major banks regularly colluded to manipulate the prices before and after this short window, exploiting small price differences to capture big profits. The algorithmic platform reportedly allowed traders to cancel potential deals that would prove unprofitable.
Any DOJ plea deals that eventually result would not cover the allegations stemming from Lawsky’s investigation, the Times reported, though the DOJ could open its own investigation into the matter.
This has to be an Onion article accidentally sent to IBT...