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Dennis Kneale Brain Spasm: Blog You! (Video)

For the record we and our commenters are none of the following: vicious, homophobic or nihilistically negative.  Short, funny Dennis Kneale brain spasm (1:38 CNBC Clip).  A very broad brush, a very broad brush indeed.


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Reader Comments (6)

Hey, I resent that! I hide behind the cowardly mask and spandex suit of anonymity to combat my foes. No cloaks here. Those went out of fashion after the medieval age, or at least they should have. :P

In all seriousness, noms de plume or alter egos have a long history of being used to avoid confusion, discrimination, censorship, retribution or simply for theatrical effect. After all, if not for the use of pseudonyms, we would be using pounds rather than dollars and would not be a federal constitutional republic with elements of a representative democracy.
Jul 21, 2009 at 3:25 AM | Unregistered Commenterspideydouble
I'm betting Dennis gets tons of SIGNED email in the next few days telling him what "sissy" he is. I mean, he did write a "mean" review of the high school chorus and then hid behind the skirt of the 1st Amendment.
Jul 21, 2009 at 7:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
@Daily Bail

If invited onto Dennis' show, would take off your "sissy mask"? (BTW, any chance of getting on D Rat's new show or something like? Makes a great story -- former Wall Street guy devotes his life to fighting the bailouts and nearly goes insane keeping track of all the twists and turns and the massive injustice of it all...)
Jul 21, 2009 at 8:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H

You are a biased, manipulating, lying ***! One day I will spit in your damn, lying face, you freaking CRIMINAL. Your perennial fake positive spin only hurts CNBC viewers. STOP lying and manipulating and simpmy speak the TRUTH without biased spin you friggin' PUSSY BOY!

What's up with the over ONE QUADRILLION U.S. DOLLARS in OTC derivatives hidden in all of the banks "Tier 3" business ???

Yo uare not selling hope you are selling evil LIES!

Ludwig Konstatin
Rancho Santa Fe, Southern California

CHECK OUT: www.YouTube.com/evilcnbc
Jul 28, 2009 at 11:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterLudwig Konstatin

If invited onto Dennis' show, would take off your "sissy mask"? (BTW, any chance of getting on D Rat's new show or something like? Makes a great story -- former Wall Street guy devotes his life to fighting the bailouts and nearly goes insane keeping track of all the twists and turns and the massive injustice of it all...)

I called Dennis Directly (got his voicemail) about 2 weeks ago and offered to appear...never heard back...I will be doing a media junket this Fall in DC and NY and I hope to appear on several shows that we all love. I have 12 days to spare and have 2 national cable appearances scheduled so far...but they have been set for awhile...I haven't had time to really start contacting show producers yet...

Why don't you send an email to Ratigan through the MSNBC site suggesting it with your description...it can't hurt to have someone else suggest me.

Jul 30, 2009 at 2:07 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I thought CNBC fired that cry baby months ago. I had read somewhere that his was sleeping with Steve Liesman and they have a pet frog named dush.
Aug 2, 2009 at 4:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterkoko la rue

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