Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt ceiling last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy
Harry Reid on the debt ceiling - 2006
A new visitor to the U.S. might be led to believe that hypocrisy is our national sport.
Reader Comments (11)
Just because the COOTUS (Community Organizer…) can recite a bunch of economic jargon doesn’t mean that he actually understands what he is saying. The press continues to float the myth that this guy is so smart. Is he even aware of his position and how many campaign promises that he has broken? Does he now know how many states he has visited? My guess is that he is like a bad 5th grade history teacher, he knows just enough of the terminology to fool the average uninformed and ignorant school board and the media in his case. Obama is a fraud. He talks a fair game. So far, the only things that he seems to know very well are the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals.
Do you know why he found this, ummmm, too much for Giomp and Cheyenne?
Sun Tzu
Just as the DB site has taught me about progressive libertarians.
That's KNOW yourself, not PLAY with yourself.
Donald gave 50 grand to Rahm, how much did you give?
Still playing with the "new Republican Bible" I see.
1. Here is yet another example of why Public Unions are a "drain" on the taxpayers and their wallets. Why do you think your taxes are to high? Take a good look at this picture and the answer is right in front of your eyes!
2. California lifeguard pensions at $200,000.00 per year through the government:
Get rid of the goverment unions, and the Dems. go-a-way.................? Go Scott Walker........!