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Keith Olbermann: 'The Punish Vikram Pandit Act'

This is the best clip I've seen on Pandit in 4 years of running the Bail.

In every state except Kentucky, this is called getting your ass kicked.

"Mr. Pandit, you're probably just a good actor and a damned liar and a con man.  But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume instead, that you just can't tell the difference between one dollar and 38 million of them."


From Bloomberg:

Pandit Made $261 Million in 5 Years at Citigroup


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Reader Comments (8)

There were some intersting comments and links posted with this story back in 2009. I am moving some of them here.
Oct 16, 2012 at 3:26 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Life under Joe Cassano at AIG

Oct 16, 2012 at 3:27 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 16, 2012 at 3:28 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Dr. Pitchfork posted this comment back in 2009:

If you're shopping for quality, this one has a nice, long hardwood handle -- AND it's specially made for manure. Perfect for both bankers and their copious piles of bullshit.

Oct 16, 2012 at 3:36 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Pandit on Charlie Rose back in 2008 at the height of the crisis.


Highlight clips.
Oct 16, 2012 at 4:00 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Time for an International Court of Madoff; whereby the same litmus for the arrst and encarceration of Iceland bankers is used to capture, charge, try and convict the likes of Vikram Pandit; and other like him. A thief is a theif; matters not his contract.
Oct 17, 2012 at 1:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterStrayhorse
In every state except Kentucky, this is called getting your ass kicked.

But in Kentucky it's just foreplay, because there are no fucking bailouts at the track.
Oct 29, 2012 at 3:48 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
DB Hate to bust your bubble, but here in Maryland, there is hopes that there would be a tax payer bailout for the horsees. You know, they just add so much to the lives of Marylanders. Pretty farms that they will chase you from should you trespass, money you can lose at the track, meat for the French. I could go on.
Oct 29, 2012 at 7:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT

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