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Live Blogging The European Debt Crisis

The Telegraph has a live blog, updating every few minutes.



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Reader Comments (3)

Europe Wallows In Insolveable Problems – Bob Chapman

Oct 27, 2011 at 2:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Tuesday, Jan. 17th, 2012 – They came out swinging and firing, this week. The European debt crisis is turning into a good, old – fashioned cattle drive. The weak and slow are being separated out of the herd. It’s like watching a pride of lions, on the hunt. We are about to see Greece tumble in a cloud of dust, This is the sideshow. France is on the front burner, this week. They aren’t the power that they thought they were. That leaves the UK and Germany to divvy up Europe. The sparring match between now and April will teach us many valuable lessons. The shifting alliances, pushed and pulled by private agendas, will create the headlines of the coming months. Of course, most of the world will be too busy with more immediate trouble, to pay much attention to the currency wars. It will be interesting to see who notices that foreign trouble becomes domestic trouble

Jan 17, 2012 at 3:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterGeorge Forfa

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